Software Installation Request

Use this form to request software installation on Cabrillo computers.

For Adobe Requests, if you only require the ability to sign documents, that can be done in Adobe Acrobat Reader without needing to sign in, Adobe Acrobat Reader is a standard software and is already installed on all machines. No install request is required

Suppose you require PDF editing, photo editing, video editing, or other advanced graphical design. Adobe Creative Cloud would be the option to go with. For that option please provide the following information in the ticket.

Item Requested
Name of the individual receiving access
Employee number/student ID
Technical justification for the need beyond Reader

Once you have been approved you can log into the system and utilize the software.

Request Service


Service ID: 52466
Thu 4/6/23 1:45 PM
Thu 4/25/24 12:06 PM