SARS Trak Admin - The 'Manual Entry' Menu



Use the Manual Entry menu to get a list of all visits to a lab for an individual student. In addition, SARS Trak Admin users can modify previous lab visit data or create new lab visit entries.

Accessing the Manual Entry Menu

Step 1: Launch the TRAK Admin Application

Launch the SARS Trak Admin Application. For assistance in launching, see: SARS Trak Admin - Launching the program

Step 2: Launch the Manual Entry Menu

Launching the SARS Trak Admin feature: Manual Entry

At the SARS Trak Admin main menu, click the Manual Entry menu and select the option 'Manual Entry'.

Step 3: Select the Application

The manual entry application select prompt

The application selection window will open. The application can be thought of as the lab or center. Users will only have access to applications that have been defined in their user account. The button refers to the option the student first chose at the SARS Trak kiosk. In this example, the STEM Study Center's SARS kiosk has three initial choices: MESA/STEM Tutoring, CIS Networking, and the Physics Learning Center. We want to look at a student's visits to the STEM Study Center when the CIS Networking Lab button was selected at the kiosk.

The manual entry menu

The application selection window will open. The application can be thought of as the lab or center. Users will only have access to applications that have been defined in their user account. The button refers to the option the student first chose at the SARS Trak kiosk. In this example, the STEM Study Center's SARS kiosk has three initial choices: MESA/STEM Tutoring, CIS Networking, and the Physics Learning Center. We want to look at a student's visits to the STEM Study Center when the CIS Networking Lab was chosen at the kiosk.

Components of the Menu

The SARS Trak Admin Manual Entry Menu

There are four areas of the menu:

  1. Header: Lists the application and button options selected. Note that only the corresponding entries will be shown for the student and any manually created entries will be created under the selected application and button. In this example, only a student's visits to the STEM Study Center when the CIS Networking Lab button was selected at the kiosk will be shown here.
  2. Student Information: Search for a student using either their 7-digit ID or by entering their name in LAST, FIRST MI format. Once a student has been successfully loaded, any applicable visits will populate the activity history area.
  3. Activity History: Lists all applicable visits recorded for a student.
    • Activity Date: The date the student checked-in at the lab
    • Start Time: The time the student checked-in
    • Stop Time: The time the student checked-out
    • Duration: The duration of the student's visits (in minutes)
    • Reason Code: The reason the student chose for their visit
    • Course: If a student chose a course as part of their sign-in, it will show here. If multiple courses were selected, they will be shown as comma delimited values
    • Section #: If a student chose a course as part of their sign-in, the section for that course will be shown here. If multiple courses were selected, the section numbers will be shown as comma delimited values
    • Checked In: A Yes/No value to indicate whether or not the student is still checked in for the corresponding visit
    • Chg: Indicates whether or not the visit was manually edited using this screen. A blank value means the visit has not been manually edited.
  4. Data Entry Section: Used to manually edit or create visits for a student.

Components of the Data Entry Section

The SARS Trak Admin Data Entry Section

There are four areas of the menu:

  1. Time, Date, and Term:
    • Activity Date: The date the student checked-in at the lab
    • Start Time: The time the student checked-in
    • Stop Time: The time the student checked-out
    • Duration: A read-only field that shows the duration of the visit in minutes
    • Term: The term the visit is associated with
    • Checked In: Check the box to mark the visit as currently active or uncheck to manually end a student's session
  2. Courses/Reasons:
    • Course/Reason: Select a course or reason from the drop-down menu. Note: The courses available for selection are dependent upon the student's enrolled courses and the courses the lab allows for selection at the SARS Trak kiosk
    • Section: Select a section number from the drop-down menu. Note: The section number available for selection is dependent upon the section the student is enrolled in
    • Add: Click to add a course or reason to the visit
    • Accept: Click to commit any changes made to the courses/reasons section
    • Delete: Delete any entered courses/reasons
  3. User Actions:
    • Add: Create a new visit
    • Copy: Used to copy all values of a highlighted visit into the data entry section. This is useful when creating multiple visits of a similar kind.
    • Save: Commit any pending changes
    • Delete: Delete the selected visit
    • Cancel: Cancel any pending changes
    • Close: Close the Manual Student Activity Maintenance window

Manually Edit a Student Visit

Step 1: Select a student

Using the search feature to load a student record

Search for a student using either their 7-digit ID or by entering their name in LAST, FIRST MI format. Once a student has been successfully loaded, any applicable visits will populate the activity history area.

Step 2: Select a Visit to Edit

Selecting a student visit to edit

Once a student has been loaded, select a visit to edit, the data entry section beneath the visits will become active and will allow for editing. Once changes have been made, click 'Save' to commit changes.

Manually Add a Student Visit

Step 1: Select a student

Using the search feature to load a student record

Search for a student using either their 7-digit ID or by entering their name in LAST, FIRST MI format. Once a student has been successfully loaded, any applicable visits will populate the activity history area.

Step 2: Select a Term

Selecting a term

Select a term from the drop-down menu and click 'Add.' The date and time options will become available for editing.

Step 3: Enter the Date and Time

Entering the desired date and time

Enter the desired date along with the start and end time, the duration field will automatically update.

Step 4: Select the Reasons and Courses

Entering the desired date and time

Click the 'Add' button to create a new course/reason entry, select the reason or applicable course from the drop-down menu. If a course was selected, choose the corresponding section number from the drop-down menu. Click 'Accept' to commit the addition.

Step 5: Save the change

Click the save button to record the newly created visit

Click the 'Save' button, the newly created listing will be displayed in the student's list of recorded visits.

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