Computer Refresh Protocol

As part of our mission and vision, the Information Technology Department (IT) recognizes that technology is an integral part of teaching, learning, and administration at the College. It is our intention to provide appropriate and reliable technology to faculty, staff, and administrators/managers.

Standard Refresh

  1. On average, office computers should be replaced every five years, based on a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) assessment, information security standards, and warranty support from manufacturers. IT will solicit upgrade requests from faculty and administrative department heads for the following fiscal year annually in February. Requests may be made at other times of year and granted if funds are available within the district wide refresh budget. A-la-cart.
  2. The cost for the replacement is funded at the College level and is managed by IT. This eliminates the need for individual cost centers and/or departments to bear the cost of replacements for standard desktop and laptop computers. Consolidating the College’s purchasing power allows the College to save money and deliver better quality devices at the best available pricing structure.
  3. One computer will be provided to all regular employees (including full-time contract faculty, classified/confidential staff, and administrators/managers) where routine computer use is required by their job description.
  4. Faculty, staff, and administrators/managers shall have the following options when replacing their existing system:
    • If their job requires frequent travel, mobility, or permits teleworking, they will have the option to choose:
      1. Windows-based laptop - If required, this may include a docking station, an external monitor, an external mouse, and a keyboard.1
      2. Apple (Mac) laptop - If required, this may include a docking station, an external monitor, an external mouse, and a keyboard.2
    • If their job does not require mobility, they will have the option to choose: 
      • Windows-based desktop
      • Apple desktop
  5. Departments may request additional computers for needs that fall outside the regular employee policy outlined above (e.g., short-term staff, testing, etc.). Depending on the purpose of these machines, computers that are three or more years old may be used and will not be considered part of the normal replacement cycle.
  6. Upon replacement, the previous computer(s) will be removed by IT. These computers are often redeployed to other areas of need within the College. Requests to retain the previous computer at the time of installation of the replacement computer will not be approved.
  7. Requests for accelerating the refresh schedule of a computer must have vice president-level approval and include a departmental budget account number for the computer to be charged against. The computer being refreshed will be returned to IT and cannot be kept by the department for other computer needs. All requests should be submitted with an IT Support Request ticket.
  8. With the exception of executive offices that require the need for confidential printing, desktop printers will no longer be provided unless there is no networked printer available in the requesting department. If one is needed, it will be provided from the existing inventory of printers.


The College currently supports specific makes and models of computers, with Windows computers being our standard. These systems were chosen to allow diversity in brands and operating systems, yet provide enough similarities that adequate support can be maintained. Standardization also reduces cost significantly through bulk purchasing discounts and vendor agreements.

New Employees

A new (non-replacement) device will be purchased only if a full-time faculty, classified/confidential staff member, or administrator/manager has been hired for a newly-established position. The IT budget will cover a standard configuration computer and accessories for these newly established positions, if required. Thereafter, replacement will fall under the College technology refresh budget.

Special Needs

IT will meet reasonable above-average needs (e.g., larger displays and/or dual monitors for those who regularly work on two documents simultaneously and for Human- Resources approved ADA/CFRA/ergonomic accommodations ). If additional computers or special peripherals or software are needed, the funds will be furnished through departmental or grant funds (as determined by the departmental vice president.) IT will assist by obtaining vendor quotes through the Purchasing Department and configuring the machines. These computers will not be included in the technology refresh replacement cycle.

IT will have several laptops available for special events, presentations, and other short term needs. Please submit an IT Support Request ticket to reserve a computer for short-term needs.

1. The user's department is responsible for the purchase of additional batteries, additional monitors, accessories, or upgrades (processor, memory, storage) beyond the standard provided configuration. Peripheral devices (docking station, monitors, keyboard, etc.) typically have a longer life span compared to computers. Refresh of these devices will be determined concurrently with the refresh of the computer.

2. Requests for Apple equipment will require justification as to why this more expensive equipment is necessary to perform their essential job functions. A personal preference for Apple equipment is not a sufficient justification.

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