Cabrillo Spring Break System Outage Information

Self Service and Colleague (Cabrillo’s student information system) will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25 at Noon PT - COB 4/4/25.


While Self Service is down, students will not be able to do the following actions in Self Service, and Cabrillo employees will not be able to do these actions on behalf of students. Please sign in to Self Service first for the below links to take you to the specific page; you must be a student to view these pages:

Students should plan to use Self-Service before 3/28/25 or after 4/4/25. Registration is open for Spring 2025 classes now. Here is a link to Spring 2025 late-start sections in Self-Service; students can sign in, add these to their plan, and register before 3/28/25. 

The following online services will be available during spring break, but may be impacted by the Self Service outage:

  • Canvas will be available, but as registration add/drops are not possible, students who have not yet registered for a class will not be able to be added to the class in Canvas

  • Etrieve forms will be available, but no changes will be processed

  • Applications can be submitted, but they cannot be processed and new account access will be unavailable

  • Cabrillo’s financial aid platform, MyVerify, will be available but statuses will be unchanged during the outage

  • Existing refunds and disbursements through Bankmobile will continue, but new transactions will be delayed during the outage

  • My Cabrillo portal will be available, but information specific to the user will be unavailable

  • Students will be able to make appointments with academic counselors through SARS and sign in to SARS kiosks in learning centers like the ILC in Watsonville, the Wellness Education Center (WEC), the HUB, the CTC, the STEM Center, and Art and Music labs 

  • MyASC will be available to existing students, but students who have not yet applied will not have access

  • The bookstore will be available but changes to classes will not be updated

  • Certain Experience Cards will be unavailable during the migration period (we will be turning them off temporarily as they will throw errors without a data source) 

Faculty & Staff

While Self Service is down, the Faculty Area will not be available and the following actions cannot be taken:

  • Entering grades for classes that have ended; grade deadlines have been extended to one week after spring break

  • View rosters; class rosters will still be visible in Canvas and deans and division offices will be able to pull the class roster report as of 3/28

  • Enter hours for positive attendance classes; attendance deadlines have been extended to one week after spring break

  • Add students to classes, whether through add authorizations or the late-add form; short-term classes add deadlines 

Canvas, Etrieve forms, and the bookstore will all be available, but any changes to classes that occur during the spring break outage will not be updated until after spring break

Self Service and Colleague will not be available. 

Other applications, including the SQL reports site, will be available, but the information that comes from Colleague will be stale during the outage.

  • SARS Anywhere, eSARS, SARS Trak, SARS Kiosks will be unaffected

    • Data will be in holding until imports are enabled and it should catch up.

  • Power BI / SQL Reports will be available, but Colleague data will be stale, no changes will be processed.

  • SQL Integrations: The following externally-hosted applications will be available during the Colleague SaaS Migration but will not receive new Colleague data during this period:

    • Astra Schedule: Course and schedule data

    • AIM: Class List, Student demographic/course/gpa/recruitment data

    • Akademos (bookstore): Courses, terms, Staff/Student users

    • Alma: Patron data

    • AwardSpring: Student demographic data

    • BankMobile: Student demographic/enrollment data

    • CI Badge: Staff/Student demographic data

    • CommunityPro Suite: Student demographic/enrollment data

    • Cornerstone OnDemand (Vision Resource Center): Employee demographic, position, department, division and location data

    • eLumen (Data Load): Department, division, campus, term, Student demographic/enrollment, Faculty demographic/assignment data

    • Maxient: Staff/Student demographic data

    • PantrySOFT: Student data

    • PyraMED: Staff/Student demographic data

    • Rave Alert: Staff/Student demographic data

    • StudentAccess: Student demographic, award, term and course data

    • TeamDynamix: Staff demographic data

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